Bangkok Hotels and Travel Information

We have over 2750 Bangkok Hotels for you to search.

About Bangkok

Bangkok is the capital city of Thailand and is the main business district of Thailand.

Bangkok has two main airports. One for large International planes and the other one for neighbouring countries and small planes for flights within and around Thailand.

Being the capital of Thailand, Bangkok is normally the first stop for people that are entering “The Land of Smiles”. Since Bangkok is the main gateway to all of the tourist areas of Thailand, you get a feel of the biggest city before heading to a tourist area, where you can relax in the sun, sea and the sand and at your Bangkok Hotels.

Since it is the biggest city in Thailand and has a big business district where trades and multi million dollar decisions are made every day. You will notice the size of Bangkok and all of the Bangkok Accommodation when you get out amongst the many attractions and hubs this city has at its doorstep.

With over 30,000 taxis on the road, you will realise what day to day life is for the people that live here and how important their capital is to them. It also has many bar, dining and tourist attractions to keep the locals and tourists happy.



Bangkok Airports

Having two main airports makes Bangkok an easy accessible place for people all around Thailand and from around the world.

The old International airport (Don Muean Airport) is now used mainly for freight and domestic flights, while the new airport (Suvarnabhumi Airport) receives big jumbo planes from all around the world.

If you have a domestic flight within Thailand, make sure you check your ticket to see which airport you are flying out from.

The airport area has a Bangkok Airport Hotel for all types of travellers, so if you have a stop over, check all of our Bangkok Airport Hotels for great deals and discounts.


Bangkok Airport


Bangkok is full of different areas which have Bangkok Hotel Accommodation. Finding which areas that you want to stay in is the hardest part.

Choosing your Bangkok Hotel is the easiest part and is only a few clicks of the mouse away from finding the right place for your budget, lifestyle and area.


Finding some Bangkok tours is also easy.
You can either do it yourself and have an adventure bartering with Bangkok Taxi and Tuk Tuk drivers or you can let us do all the work and all you have to worry about is the time you need to wake up.

You can also just tackle the main shopping , bars and dining areas and visit the many areas of Bangkok like, Sukhumvit, Old City, Silom, Siam, the Riverside or Bangkok Chinatown.



Getting To Bangkok

Bangkok is a hub for travellers coming to Thailand or for doing a stop over to head somewhere else. It is also the main port to travel to all other areas of Thailand.

Bangkok Trains, Ferries, Buses, Planes Timetables and Prices


Use our Search Box above to find great deals on Bangkok and Thailand Hotels.





Happy Travelling 🙂


